This is Lachme; she is a Bhopi gypsy. She lives in the village with her nine brothers and sisters. Lachme works everyday at Sunset Point in the desert where the tourists come on their camel rides. She quickly runs to each camel cart offering her turban and sword to tourists to use for photo props, then hopefully receives a donation for the loan. She is polite but persistent; strongly holding her gown until the tourist can resist no longer. There are many children working like this; some dancing or playing music like their fathers. Lachme is always the one to move first and fastest to her work. As with all the children, if they do well, they treat themselves to a packet of crisps or biscuit, then put the rest of the money in their purse to take home to the family.
Lachme is one of the many children and adults we are trying to help in the bhopa village. We have been sending food relief packages and building grass houses to replace the plastic tent houses. If you would like to donate please use PayPal and send your kind donation to