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Light, Power and Water

No running water

This is little Priya carrying water for her mother, Tiga. It is a long walk over the sand dunes for Priya to collect this water. It has been generously donated by a local farmer who runs some water to fill a tank at the front edge of the village. The government water pump in the same place, does not work and despite many attempts to have the government pump fixed, this has not happened.

Light, Power and Water: Welcome

Water Pots

The water is stored. in clay pots above ground, away from the animals 
Bathing, cooking and drinking all require long treks and many buckets a day.
Bhopa village would like to run another pipe and tank to the rear of the village but this requires money. Please help us achieve this for Priya and all the women and children of Bhopa Basti.

Light, Power and Water: About

Women and Children carrying water
We aim to build a toilet/shower block for everyone in the future. This is estimated at £1000/ 1lakh. We need your support.

Light, Power and Water: Our Causes

There is no mains power running to this village. The team have installed four 60 watt solar power units in four homesteads. This has revolutionised the ability to charge phones easily and provide light for cooking at night. They are prone to the elements but are much appreciated. We want to bring one unit for every home - 35 are needed to service each household.

Read more about the Power journey of the village in our blogs.

Light, Power and Water: Video

Happiness as life becomes slightly easier

Light, Power and Water: Image

Over lockdown and beyond, the team brought well over 200 portable solar lights to Bhopa Basti, Mortisor village and the Railway village. Prior to lighting up the desert with these, the woman where cooking only by the light of their fires.

Light, Power and Water: Quote
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